Below we have covered the main file health check issues that can be identified when importing an AtL judgements file, and how to check and resolve these.
When issues are identified, you can click ‘Show/Hide Errors’ to see the students affected.
- “The file has been analysed and there are no valid judgements to import. Please check the file for blank student IDs”
This is usually caused by the file format being imported, as some newer versions of Office can default to CSV (Macintosh) after running the file through the Excel Addin. To resolve this, click ‘Cancel the Import’ and then resave your file with a different name, ensuring to manually select “CSV (MS DOS)” in the ‘Save as type’ dropdown. Then, re-import your file into Analytics.
- “X student(s) have multiple judgements for a qualification”
This issue can arise when a student has more than one judgement for the same subject in your file. For example, if Joe Bloggs is listed twice in your file with different judgements for Maths.
We recommend checking the correct judgement for the student in your Excel file and removing the row for the incorrect one. Click ‘Cancel the import’ and re-import your corrected file.
- “X student(s) do not have any student data or the student IDs are not recognised”
This is caused when one or more students in your file do not currently exist in your student data for this cohort and therefore are not recognised.
If the student should be included, you can click ‘Continue with the import’ to proceed, and either import a new student data file including this student, or add the student and their classes manually into Analytics. For more information on importing student data, see the relevant article linked below.
If you would rather create the student manually, see 'Option 3' of our article here: FAQ: What do I do when a new student joins the school? (Admin) |
If the student should not be included, you can either continue with your import and manually delete the judgement/s within Analytics, or cancel the import, remove their judgement/s from your file, and reimport your file.
- "X Student(s) have incomplete data”
This warning is shown when you have judgements within your file, but the students' ID or name is missing. To resolve this, click 'Cancel the import’ and amend this for the affected student/s in your file, then re-import your AtL judgements file.
Thanks for reading!