If set up appropriately by your Sisra Administrator, then you should have access to a KS2 Banding Filter within the KS3/4 Reports. This allows you to analyse your students performance by their KS2 Prior Attainment Band of High, Middle, or Low, at whole school or student level!
Filters tab
This should be available within Filters tab > Add Filters, allowing you to filter the Reports to only include students with the band(s) selected.
Filter Breakdown
Alternatively, you can select ‘KS2 Banding’ from the Breakdown dropdown to break down the reports.
As you can see in the example below showing the Attainment/Progress 8 figures, when the reports are sorted by KS2 Banding using the Breakdown dropdown box, all the figures in the reports will be broken down into the three separate KS2 Bandings, allowing you to analyse their performance.
Similarly, if this is applied at the student level of a report, it adds a 'KS2 Banding' column to the report, which can be sorted on, allowing you to see what band each student is in.
Thanks for reading!