The Qualification Trends report provides interactive year-on-year comparison of your historical Exam performance and latest exam grades, at a click of a button! In KS5 this includes grade and grade range percentage trends, average points, and Value Added, for Level 3 qualifications.
Admins only - If you're looking to troubleshoot any issues with the Trends Report, please see our article here - KS5 Troubleshooting - Qualification Trends Report (Admin).
Qualification Trends
To access the Qualification Trends in KS5, click REPORTS > KS5 and then ‘View The Trends Report’. You can view trends for qualifications from the last 5 cohorts, if uploaded and set up by your Sisra Admin.
If the report is not available, we recommend contacting your Sisra Admin directly. |
Once in the report, you must select a qualification to view the charts available. You can also scroll to the bottom of the report for a handy data table! You can also include / exclude the year groups affected by COVID from the analysis using the 'Covid Years' toggle (a video tutorial demonstrating this further is available at the bottom of this article). This can be disabled by default by your Sisra Administrator in CONFIG. > Settings > KS5 Report Settings.
Towards the bottom of the report, you can also found a table of the results, which can be exported to Excel by clicking 'Export Table Data'.
In brief, the following charts/analysis is provided:
Percentage at Grade* – The percentage of students with each grade in that qualification, across each dataset included.
- Cumulative Percentage at Grade* - The percentage of students with grades within each grade range (e.g. A*-A, A*-B, etc.), across each dataset included.
*The grades displayed will be in the format of A Level A*-E, U, and X grades. This is mapped using equivalent A Level points and average grade boundaries. For example, to fall within the A* column, the grade would need to be worth 55 points or more. For a detailed table of point boundaries, please see our separate article - KS5 - Average Grade Boundaries used in Reports.
Value Added – The Value-Added score for the qualification across each dataset included. This is calculated by taking the total of the weighted VA point scores for the qualification, divided by the total weighted qualification size. If you would like further information on the specific calculation, please see our article here - KS5 - How is L3 Value Added (VA) calculated?
- Average Points - The average points for that qualification across each dataset included. This is calculated by taking the total points for the qualification divided by the total entries.
Currently, the Trends report is available for qualification analysis (not headline measures) and there is presently no facility to apply filtering. However, if further filtering is required, you can click ‘Export Table Data’ to export the table at the bottom of the report as an Excel file and manipulate further. |
Thanks for reading!