The key icon provides access to the key characteristics for a cohort, which displays the count and percentage of each student within the report with a specific filter value.
This information is taken from the student data imported for the cohort and the blue badge displayed on the icon shows the number of students included in these figures. Key characteristics will be updated based on any filters or options applied within the report, which allows you to view these figures for specific qualifications, classes or other groups of students.
For example, if you were to drill into a specific class in the reports, the Key Characteristics would allow you to see a breakdown of the count/percentage of each key group, such as Gender, Pupil Premium etc. within that class.
Once expanded, you can click ‘Export’ if you wish to export these figures into Excel.
When using key characteristics alongside the Measures tab (covered here), this allows you to view a breakdown of all filters for a specific performance measure! For example, you could view the breakdown of each filter for students achieving grades 9-7 (or equivalent) in English and Maths, allowing you to identify the number/percent of Pupil Premium / non-Pupil Premium students, Boys / Girls, etc. who are included. |
Thanks for reading!