Preparing EAP Baselines
Once you have decided upon the EAP baselines to use, you must ensure these are in a four-column list (Student ID, Student Name, Subject and Grade), saved in CSV (MS-DOS) format in Excel. You can run the file through the Sisra Analytics Excel Add-In to ensure the data is in the correct format, as shown below.
We also recommend using clear subject names so you can determine what each baseline relates to. You should also split out subjects with different grade types using the subject name if necessary.
For a more detailed article on using the Excel Add-In to prepare data, please see here - Extracting and Preparing Grades or AtL Data (Admin).
Uploading EAP Baselines
Once prepared, upload EAP Baselines by clicking DATA (A1) > key stage and cohort (A2) > KS4 / EAP (A3) > EAP/Baselines (A4) > Uploads (A5) > ‘Upload Grades File’ (A6).
Next, choose the file to upload, enter a clear file title (to help identify the contents of the upload) and click ‘Upload’ (A7).
"The file has been analysed and there are no valid grades to import. Please check the file for blank student IDs etc.” If you are presented with the above message, this is usually due to the file format being imported, as some newer versions of Office can default to CSV (Macintosh). To resolve this, click ‘Cancel the import’, resave your file with a different name and manually select CSV (MS DOS) in the ‘Save as type’ dropdown, then re-upload. |
During the upload process, Analytics will perform a file health check, which will inform you of issues found in the file. We recommend checking this, as well as checking the number of students and qualifications listed in the upload summary are as you expect for this file.
If there are issues, then you can view further details by clicking ‘Show/Hide Warnings’. You can click ‘Cancel the upload’ (A8), address the issues and then re-upload the amended file. For more information on these potential issues, see here - EAP File Health Check Issues (Admin).
However, if you are happy with the file (or want to address issues in Analytics where possible) and you have checked the upload summary, click ‘Continue with the upload’ (A9).
Confirm Upload Qualification Names
When uploading subsequent baseline grade files containing qualification names that have not been uploaded previously for that cohort, the Confirm Upload Qualification Names page will prompt you to merge these with existing baseline qualifications or create these as new qualifications.
If the qualification you’re uploading grades for has not been uploaded before for that cohort and is therefore new, select ‘New’ in the SISRA Qualification dropdown.
However, if this qualification exists for the cohort, but has been named slightly differently in the EAP/Baselines page compared to your file, you can merge these together by selecting the appropriate qualification from the SISRA Qualification dropdown.
Once you have completed the selections for all qualifications shown, click ‘Complete the upload’. Any new qualifications will need to be set up in the Baseline Management section.
Once completed, you will see your file has been uploaded and there are a number of options available to manage your file. Here you can export (B1) your grades list to Excel, edit the title or date of your file via the blue pencil icon, see a preview of the files contents via the eye icon, or permanently delete the file via the red x icon.
Now that your baselines have been uploaded, the next step is to set these up, explained here. |
Thanks for reading!