Uploading Grades Data
- What grades can I upload? (Admin)
- Extracting and Preparing Grades or AtL Data (Admin)
- FAQ: What to do when creating a new qualification? (Admin)
- Uploading Standalone Grades e.g. Exams, Targets, Mocks etc. (Admin)
- Uploading Assessment Grades (Admin)
- Uploading Grades - File Health Check Issues
- Replacing Grade Files (e.g. updated Targets)
- KS4 Exams and First Entry Rules (Admin)
- KS3/4: Setting up Sisra Basic Projections / SBP (Admins)
- FAQ: What is the 'Confirm Upload Qualification Names' page?
- FAQ: How do I resolve the 'The file submitted does not contain valid data' or 'The file has been analysed and there are no valid grades to import' issue when importing data? (Admin)
- FAQ: Can I rename an assessment collection? (Admin)
- FAQ: I've ran out of datasets to upload grades into, what should I do? (Admin)
- FAQ: Can we create custom Attainment 8 Estimates to calculate Progress 8?
- FAQ: Why can't I delete an assessment collection even though it doesn't contain any grades?