If a student isn't appearing in any of the KS5 Headlines reports, or isn't counting towards any Headlines figures, such as Value Added (VA), we've listed some steps below to troubleshoot why this might be. You can find out which students are not counting towards any Headlines by navigating to REPORTS > KS5 > Select your cohort and dataset > Students. Then click 'Add Filter', and in the Filters tab, select Student Measures, and select to Exclude 'Students Included in L3 Overall Cohort'.
1. Does the Student Meet The Required Entries Criteria?
According to the DfE for a student to be triggered for inclusion in the performance tables (Headlines figures) they must meet certain criteria.
The criteria (taken from page 15 of the DfE's 16 to 18 Accountability Measures - Technical Guide) is as follows:
"Students are eligible to be included in 16 to 18 performance measures if they are of academic age 16, 17, 18 at the start of the 2022 to 2023 academic year (for example, 31 August 2022) and at the end of their 16-18 studies. They are identified as being at the end of 16-18 study when they first meet at least one of the following criteria:
a) they have entered for at least 2 qualifications, each of which is at least the size of an A level or they have entered for at least 1 qualification the size of at least 2 A levels, in the reporting year;
b) they have entered for both a T Level core and T Level occupational specialism during 16 to 18 study (T Level attainment will not be included in performance tables until 2024 but this rule will be applied a year early to produce a normal cohort when reporting begins),
c) they are 18 at the start of the reporting year and have not been reported in 16 to 18 performance measures at their current allocated school or college.
Prior to 2021, we also used a third inclusion rule where a student would be triggered for inclusion if they had been allocated to the same school or college for the last two years. We have removed this criteria to reduce the burden on schools and colleges where large numbers of students complete 16 to 18 study in their third year."
If you spot a student who isn't counting in your Headlines, Value Added, or any other figures, first check if they have enough grades to be included in Headlines analysis. You can check this in REPORTS > KS5 > Select your cohort and dataset > Students. Then click into this student's name to view their Student Detail page. Then in the Detailed Overview tab, you can see their Grades and Entries. For the student below, they do not meet criteria a), as they would need 2 grades, each of which is the size of 1 A level or more, whereas Jeff only has 1 grade the size of an A Level. The fact that Jeff has 2 entries in total doesn't meet criteria a), as two grades each of size 1 are needed.
2. Does their Student Status allow them to count in Headlines figures?
If a student is set to 'Guest' or 'Left School', this will prevent them from counting in Headlines figures. You can confirm their student status in DATA > KS5 > Select your cohort > STUDENTS > Cohort, by scrolling down to this student and checking their Status.
Or you can do this from the Reports in REPORTS > KS5 > Select your cohort and dataset > Students. Then click into this student in question, and on the Student Detail page that appears, select the Student Information tab, and check their Student Status.
If you need to change this, you can follow our KS5: Student Statuses (Admin) guide.
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