The ability to filter your reports by key groups of students (e.g. Gender, KS2 Banding, intervention groups, etc.) can be useful in helping identify gaps in performance. There are two direct ways in which you can filter, explained below.
The Filters tab allows you to filter the reports by specific student filters values or combinations of filters, included in student imports for the cohort, e.g. Gender, Pupil Premium, Attendance, etc. or Focus Groups.
To apply a filter, click the Filters tab > ‘Add Filters’, place a tick next to one or more filter values or focus groups and click ‘Apply’.
The report and your figures will then be recalculated to only include students meeting the selected criteria and the key characteristics will also be updated to reflect these students. Filters will continue to be applied as you navigate the reports, and you can remove them in bulk using the icon on the tab header.
When selecting values from different filters, such as Gender and Low KS2 Banding, this will apply the 'AND' search, meaning the student would need to meet both requirements to be included.
If you select multiple values from the same filter, such as two ethnic codes, it will perform the 'OR' search, meaning students with either value will be included.
Filter Breakdown
The Breakdown dropdown allows you to break down data to look at ‘gaps’ within a specific student filter.
Using this, you can compare the figures for individual filter values within a selected filter and compare these to the overall total for the cohort. You can also select AtL categories to break down the figures for each associated judgement (not available at Filters or Students level). For example, selecting ‘Gender’ will allow you to compare the figures for boys and girls, as well as the overall cohort.
Gap Analysis
When the Breakdown is applied for filters with two individual filter values, GAP analysis will become available for specific report views and create a GAP row to highlight the difference in performance between the two values. This includes the Headlines Summary report, and the Grades Overview and Grades Totals (Faculty, Qualification, and Class levels) when percentage is selected.
The GAP indicator (next to the Breakdown drop down) will be highlighted grey when GAP is not available on the selected report, green when this is available and blue when this is being applied.
Q: Can I break down figures by ALL Filters/Filter Values in one go? A: Yes! Did you know you’re able to group selected report areas by filters? For example, the A8/P8 Overview report, the Grades Overview, Totals report (and more!) at Filters level. Any filters with 15 or less values will then be used to break down your figures, for an overall comparison at a click of a button! |
Thanks for reading!