Below we have provided a brief overview of the changes to Analytics for the 2022 performance tables onwards, including:
- KS5 – Teacher-assessed grades discounting rules update (early entries)
- KS5 – Updated cohort eligibility rules and a new optional student status for students on roll and aged 18
- KS3/4 - Scaled scores below 80 now accepted (59 to 120)
KS5 – Teacher-assessed grades discounting rules (early entries)
With the DfE announcement that only results from the 21/22 academic year will count towards 2022 headline figures, we have updated the KS5 area of Analytics.
- Any exam results from August 2022 and later should be uploaded with a suitable date from within that particular year.
- Any Teacher-Assessed early entry results from 2020 and 2021 that would not count towards headline performance should be uploaded into the system using a date within the range 01/08/21 to 31/08/21. (This includes any grades that were achieved in the 2020 exam season).
- Analytics will use the dates of the grades to determine which grades would count towards headline performance, and which would not.
For more information on this, please see our article - 2022 Discounting updates
KS5 – Cohort Eligibility
Following on from the changes above, the DfE also changed the criteria used to determine which student’s data will be included in the performance tables from 2021/22. This was then changed again for the 2023/24 Performance tables to the below criteria. This can be found on page 15 of the DfE's 16-18 Technical Guide:
"Students are eligible to be included in 16 to 18 performance measures if they are of academic age 16, 17, 18 at the start of the 2022 to 2023 academic year (for example, 31 August 2022) and at the end of their 16-18 studies. They are identified as being at the end of 16-18 study when they first meet at least one of the following criteria:
a) they have entered for at least 2 qualifications, each of which is at least the size of an A level or they have entered for at least 1 qualification the size of at least 2 A levels, in the reporting year;
b) they have entered for both a T Level core and T Level occupational specialism during 16 to 18 study (T Level attainment will not be included in performance tables until 2024 but this rule will be applied a year early to produce a normal cohort when reporting begins),
c) they are 18 at the start of the reporting year and have not been reported in 16 to 18 performance measures at their current allocated school or college.
Prior to 2021, we also used a third inclusion rule where a student would be triggered for inclusion if they had been allocated to the same school or college for the last two years. We have removed this criteria to reduce the burden on schools and colleges where large numbers of students complete 16 to 18 study in their third year."
For example, students marked as 'On Roll' within Analytics (used for students who have been at your school for Y12 and Y13), now require 2 grades worth at least 1 A Level entry (or 1 grade worth 2 entries) to be included in school performance measures for the 21/22 cohort onwards.
These changes will require a republish of the STUDENTS and GRADES areas to update your reports.
We have also added an additional student status, which can be selected manually for applicable students if required:
- On Roll Aged 18 – For students who are on roll at your school and are academic age 18 at the start of the reporting year.
For more detailed information on this, feel free to see our article here - KS5: Cohort Eligibility (Admin)
KS3/4 – Scaled Scores below 80
KS2 Scaled Scores with values ranging from 59-120 will now be accepted. Previously, values below 80 would be flagged as invalid. In line with DfE guidance, for headline figures such as Progress 8 and KS2 Prior Attainment banding, any student with an average KS2 score below 80 will be given a KS2 prior of 80 in these calculations. Further information on Scaled Scores below 80 can be seen in the 'Pupil characteristics definitions and historical changes' > 'Prior Attainment Group - changes for 2021' section of this DfE guidance.
If you are aware of current Y11 students with scaled scores below 80, these may have been uploaded as 80 or N to be accepted by Analytics in the past. We would recommend editing these manually or uploading a new KS2 scaled scores file containing the correct scores for each student.
To update your reports, you would need to publish both the KS2/EAP and GRADES areas.
How does this change affect my EAPs?
Any existing EAPs set up using Scaled Scores as the baseline/starting point will not be updated and therefore additional rows/pathways for scaled scores 59 to 79 will not appear.
If you would like to add expected grades for students with these scaled scores, you would need to create brand new EAPs, and then update your Matching page.
For further information on creating EAPs, please see our article - KS3/4 - Creating EAPs (Admin).
Baseline Groups
If you have created an 'Avg' baseline group using scaled scores in use within your EAPs, where students have an average KS2 scaled score below 80, this will be used and will determine the pathway the student is on.
Thanks for reading!