Getting Started


See all 17 articles

Extracting Data & the Excel Add-In

See all 8 articles

Student Data

See all 19 articles

KS2 Core Baseline Data

This section contains articles on uploading and setting up KS2 core baselines (such as English Reading and Maths Scaled Scores) within the KS3/4 area of Analytics.

See all 9 articles

KS4 Core Baseline Data (For KS5)

This section contains articles on uploading and setting up KS4 core baselines (such as KS4 APS All and KS4 GCSE APS) within the KS5 area of Analytics.

See all 7 articles

EAPs (KS3/4)

See all 15 articles

EAPs (KS5)

See all 9 articles

Uploading Grades Data

See all 15 articles



See all 14 articles

Grades Management

See all 12 articles

KS5 Value Added

Publishing Data

See all 14 articles

Attitude to Learning (Pastoral Data)

Sisra Data Collaboration

See all 8 articles

Managing Users

Exporting Data

Academic Year Roll Over

Analytics Releases & Updates

General FAQs & Webinars

See all 7 articles

MAT Reporting

This section provides articles for setting up the KS4 and KS5 MAT reports within the Juniper Insights Dashboard. Feel free to get in touch for more information on this.