When you import a new student data file into a cohort in Analytics, there may be times where not all of your classes update, and some of your old classes may still be showing. The below guide details some of the required troubleshooting steps to ensure that your classes update when a new student data file is imported, and the common issues that can arise.
- 1 / Not Republished Students
- 2 / Some Classes Have Not Updated
- 3 / All or Most Qualifications have not updated
1 / Not Republished Students
You will need to republish STUDENTS in DATA > Select keystage and cohort > STUDENTS > Publish Students, to have these changes reflected in the Reports. You can read more about doing this in our KS3/4: Publish Students (Admin) and KS5: Publish Students (Admin) guides.
2 / Some Classes Have Not Updated
If there are just a few qualifications where your classes have not updated, despite being included in your most recent student data file, it may be that some of your Sets of Classes (or Subjects as they appear in your Student Data file) have changed in this new upload. Below you should see this is the case in this 22/23 (Current Yr 11)'s 'Y11 Aut' dataset, as this MFL French qualification still contains Year 10 classes.
You can investigate these issues in DATA > Select your keystage and cohort > STUDENTS > Classes > Assign Quals, and in STUDENTS > Classes > Manage Classes. Below is the Assign Quals page, where you should see that the 'MFL French' and 'MFL German' qualifications are assigned to a 'Languages' set of classes; however, there are additionally Sets of Classes that have been imported named 'French' and 'German'.
We can navigate to STUDENTS > Classes > Manage Classes, and click into these sets of classes to confirm that they contain the new updated classes.
So back in the STUDENTS > Classes > Assign Quals page, to fix this you would need to unassign your 'MFL French' and 'MFL German' qualifications from the 'Languages' set of classes, and assign them to the new 'French' and 'German' classes. Then you would need to republish in STUDENTS > Publish Students, to have this reflected in the Reports. There's more information on completing this page in our Assigning Qualifications to Classes (Admin) guide.
This example has been specific to these languages qualifications, however the order of operations of checking STUDENTS > Classes > Manage Classes, to see which Sets of Classes contain your new classes and then navigating to STUDENTS > Classes > Assign Quals, to assign your qualifications to these Sets of Classes can be used for any qualifications where the classes aren't showing correctly.
3 / All or Most Qualifications have not updated
If all or a large majority of your qualifications are still showing the old classes for this cohort, the student data file may have been imported incorrectly. Below are some common issues regarding this:
1. Subject names used in Student Data file consistently different
When importing a new student data file, wherever possible, the same Subject names must be used to ensure that your new classes update within each Set of Classes. If you see the example below, you should see that there are many new sets of classes that seem to be identical, but with a different naming convention.
In this case, if all or a large majority of the names are different, this is best rectified by editing the Subject names in this most recent Student Data file in Excel, to match your existing Sets of Classes. In the example above, in your Excel file 'Ar' would need to be replaced with 'Art', 'EnLan' with 'English Language', etc. Then you would just need to save and reimport this new student data file into STUDENTS > Import, to update your existing sets of classes.
To remove these duplicate sets of classes, you can delete these from STUDENTS > Classes > Manage Classes, by checking these in the Actions column and clicking 'Delete Sets of Classes'. Once this is all done, you can republish in STUDENTS > Publish Students, to have these new classes updated correctly in the Reports.
2. 'Update Classes' Not Selected upon Import
When you import a student data file, you have the option to Update Filters, Update Classes, and Update Statuses (Student Statuses). The Update Classes option states to Analytics that this student data file contains the most up-to-date classes. This will ensure that the classes that are imported in each subject in this file will update any previous classes in those subjects (sets of classes) - for the key stage being imported.
To fix an issue where Update Classes was not selected, you'll need to reimport this student data file into STUDENTS > Import, and after selecting the file and being taken to the below screen, ensure that Update Classes is set to 'Yes'. If you're sure this student data file contains your most up-to-date and current students and filter information, you can also set Update Filters and Update Statuses to 'Yes'. Then once this is successfully imported, you can republish in STUDENTS > Publish Students, to ensure this change is reflected in the Reports.
3. Incorrect Key Stage Selected upon Import - KS3/4 Only
Analytics pulls through the most updated classes imported in each set of classes for each key stage to a dataset in the Reports. A Year 8 Term 1 dataset will always pull through the most recently imported KS3 class for a cohort, similarly a Year 10 Term 2 dataset will always pull through the most recently imported KS4 class - both dependant on your school's key stage-year structure in CONFIG. > Settings > Key Stages.
If all the classes in a cohort have not updated, despite the correct subject names being used, it may be that this student data file was imported with the incorrect key stage selected. You can check whether this was the case in STUDENTS > Import, by checking the 'Last File Imported: ...' information beneath the file browser. Alternately, you can check this in STUDENTS > Classes > Manage Classes, by clicking into a Set of Classes, and seeing if your new classes appear listed under the wrong Key Stage's classes.
To fix this you would just need to reimport your current student data file into STUDENTS > Import, with the correct key stage selected.
Similarly, if you wish to ensure your previous key stage's classes go back to how they were, you would need to reimport this previous key stage's last Student Data file into STUDENTS > Import, with Update Classes set to Yes, but Update Filters and Update Student Statuses, set to No. This will ensure that the incorrectly key staged classes are Updated, but the Filters and Student Statuses will not be updated to what they were in this previous key stage.
Then you'd just need to republish in STUDENTS > Publish Students, to have this change reflected in the Reports.
Thanks for reading! If you need any further assistance with this issue, feel free to pop onto Live Chat