In Analytics, you are able to view and edit class data that has been imported for a cohort, including creating new classes and sets of classes without importing a new student data file. This article aims to explain how to make these manual amendments within KS3/4 or KS5.
Managing Sets of Classes
To view or manage the sets of classes imported for a cohort, click DATA > select key stage and cohort > STUDENTS > Classes > Manage Classes.
This page will list each set of classes for the cohort, taken from the 'Subject' column (Column C) of each student data file(s) imported. Sets of Classes act as an umbrella to store individual classes / teaching groups.
In KS3/4 cohorts, this page will also display the number of current and excluded KS3 and KS4 classes. Individual KS3 or KS4 classes are taken from the most recent corresponding KS3 or KS4 student data import for that cohort. In KS5 cohorts, this page will display the number of overall classes for each set of classes.
To manually create a set of classes, click ‘Create Set of Classes’. The 'set of classes’ names shown on this page will not pull through to the reports, however these can be renamed by clicking the blue icon. Individual classes can then be added by clicking on the Set of Classes name, covered in the next section.
Note: If you need to make a large number of changes to your classes, we would recommend importing a new student data file rather than editing these manually, as this will apply changes in bulk. For more information, see our articles below: |
To permanently delete a set of classes no longer in use, place a tick next to this in the Actions column, then click ‘Delete Set of Classes’. If the tickbox is greyed out, this means a qualification is still assigned to it on the 'Assign Quals' page.
Managing Classes
Once you have drilled down into an individual set of classes, further details are displayed such as the class status and how many students are included within each class.
To manually create a class, click ‘Create Class’. The class names shown on this page will pull through to the reports for class level analysis, and these can be renamed by clicking the blue icon.
To exclude a class, click the orange icon. When excluding classes, if a student still has a corresponding grade uploaded, their grade will still appear in the reports but as ‘Not in Class’.
To permanently delete a class, click the red icon.
Click into a class name to drill down and view individual students, explained below.
Managing Students
To add a student to a class, click ‘Add Student to Class’. To move the student to a different class within the selected set of classes, use the ‘Move Class’ dropdown . To exclude a student from a class, click the orange icon. To permanently delete a student from that class, click the red
Please note that excluding or deleting a student from a class does not stop them from appearing in the reports for the relevant qualification if they still have a corresponding grade uploaded for it (as the reports are grade-driven).
Thanks for reading!