When importing AtL judgements, once you have checked the File Health Check screen for any issues with the file and clicked ‘Continue with the import’, the next step is to pair your judgements to the relevant qualifications, as shown in the screenshot below:
In order to import judgements, you must first of all have grades uploaded into the relevant data set or assessment collection. |
If any qualification names in the AtL judgements file are the same as those in your grades file, the dropdown under ‘Sisra Qualification’ will automatically pair these for you.
If, however, the qualification names are different between the AtL judgements file and the grades file, or if that qualification has no grades uploaded into that data set or assessment collection, you will be unable to proceed with the import until it has either been paired with a qualification or ‘Do Not Include’ is selected. If a qualification is set to ‘Do Not Include’, this will be excluded from the import.
You can only pair each AtL judgement qualification to one respective grade file qualification. You cannot import any blank judgements and so any qualifications with no judgements in the imported file would not appear on this page. |
Once all qualifications have been paired, click ‘Continue with the import’ at the bottom of the page and check the Import Summary:
We recommend checking the number of students, qualifications, and judgements that will be imported, then click ‘Continue with the import’. The judgement/s will then be imported into that data set or assessment collection. The next step would be to check the Grades Management section (GRADES > Grades Management > Select a data set) to check for any potential issues with the judgements imported.
Thanks for reading!