What is the Student Data Profile?
The Student Data Profile is where you can define which filters should be included in student data files imported within your school. By default, all student data files must include the following 10 columns:
You can create and add up to 10 additional filters in this section to import in your student data. These will then become filters in the reports, allowing you to narrow down your school’s figures by specific groups of students to tailor your analysis (example shown below).
We would recommend discussing with SLT which filters your school would prefer to add, before creating these here, as well as checking your MIS. Some examples are:
Please note, if you would like to create Attendance as a filter, you should group these values in your student data files for practicality in the reports. For example, ‘95% and above’, rather than ‘96.7%’. Examples of this can be found in FAQ here - FAQ - Can I create Attendance Bands as a filter?
When creating filters, each individual student MUST have a consistent value for each subject/class.
If any changes are made to the Student Data Profile in CONFIG., you must ensure to amend the Report Definition file used to extract student data from your MIS. By adding the additional filters to your Report Definition, this should ensure that the appropriate filters are extracted with your student data. |
1 / Create Student Data Filters
If you would like to add additional filters to the defaults expected, you would firstly need to create them in Analytics. To create a student data filter, go to CONFIG. > Student Data > Filter Management > ‘Create Filter’.
Next, enter a filter name, which will pull through to the reports, and a default value, which Analytics will enter when a blank cell is imported for this filter. Then, click ‘Create’.
Do not include commas in any filter names in your files. Including commas will likely cause issues when attempting to import your student data CSV files (as this is a comma separated file). |
You should then be able to see your newly created filter on the Student Data Filters list. Here, you can use the blue icon to edit the default value for any filters or the filter name for any user created filters. You can also use the red icon to delete any user created filters (if not in use within your Student Data Profile).
Once you have created student data filters, you must define these as part as your Student Data Profile before these can be imported within your student data files, explained in the next step.
2 / Define your Student Data Profile
To tell Analytics which student data filters you wish to include in your student data files, you must define these within your Student Data Profile. To do this, go to CONFIG. > Student Data > Student Data Profile > ‘Edit Columns’.
Then, select the relevant filters in the next available dropdown(s) and click ‘Save’.
This will update the upload format example at the bottom of the page to then include your new student data filters. Any subsequent student data imports must be in this format.
Filter Aliases and Filter Tags *Recommended feature
Alongside creating additional filters, you can also create filter aliases and filter tags, which can be used to control how student data appears in the reports.
For example, staff may not recognise ethnic codes such as WBRI, BAFR, etc. so you could use the full word description in the reports. In which case, you can create a filter alias to display ‘WBRI’ as ‘White British’ in the reports to help make it easier for staff to identify.
Similarly, tags can be used to help key student groups stand out in the reports, for ease of analysis. For example, below we have highlighted:
- Pupil Premium students with a PP tag
- Students with low attendance, with a red ATT tag
- Students in the 'Low' KS2 Prior Attainment band
If you would like to set these up, see our article - Student Data Profile - Creating Filter Aliases & Tags (Admin).
Thanks for reading!