This article explains how to create user accounts for your staff, either individually or in bulk.
When a user is created, they will automatically be sent an email with their randomly generated login details (Username and Password), which they can change once logged in. They will then have access to log in and view your published reports. Users can be created manually, or you can create users in bulk via an upload, both options are explained further below.
Manually Creating Users
To view the users created at your school, click USERS > User List. This displays a list of active and blocked users at your school, allowing you to manage individual user details or manually create a new user. To create a new user, click ‘Create User’.
Then, enter the first name, last name, email address, and select the relevant authority group, determining the access levels available for this user. The default groups are Admin (access to all areas, including uploading and managing data and users) and User (access to view all reports), but if you would like to create your own custom groups, see our article here - Creating Custom Authority Groups (Admin).
Then, click ‘Create New User’. An email containing their username and password will then be sent to their registered email, and you can repeat this process for additional users if needed.
A video tutorial on managing users is available below:
Uploading Users in bulk (Spreadsheet)
You can also upload multiple users within an Excel file, to create them in bulk. To do this, you will need to create an Excel file with the following 3 columns - First Name, Last Name, and Email – saved as CSV (MS DOS) format. |
To upload this into Analytics, click USERS > Upload Users. We recommend reading through the information regarding bulk uploads at the top of the page and then placing a tick in the box to confirm this has been read.
Click ‘Choose File’ to select the file, then ‘Upload’.
You can then see a list of all users included within the file, where you can change any details if necessary and select their authority group. Then, click ‘Create New Users’ to complete the upload.
An email will be automatically sent to each user included containing their username and password.
Thanks for reading!