This article aims to outline some of the steps you may need to complete in order to set up this new qualification.
Bear in mind that not all of these steps may be required each time, these are just some of the steps you may need to consider. Steps 2, 3, and 4 may not be required if there are already EAPs and grade methods appropriate for this new qualification.
1 / Create a New Qualification
3 / Upload and Set Up New EAP Baselines
1 / Create a New Qualification
There are two ways you can create new qualifications. The first way is to upload a set of grades that contains grades in this new qualification - this way may be better if you have grades to upload in this new qualification.
These can be uploaded into in DATA > Select a keystage and cohort > GRADES > Uploads. When uploading this file with these new grades, on the Confirm Upload Qualification Names page, you'll need to set these up as 'New'.
For more information on this you can read our below guides:
- Uploading Assessment Grades (Admin)
- Uploading Standalone Grades e.g. Exams, Targets, Mocks etc. (Admin)
The other way is to create a qualification is to do this manually on the GRADES > Matching page, by clicking the blue 'Create New Qualification' button.
2 / Create a New Grade Method
This step will not be required if your qualification uses a grade method that has already been set up in Analytics.
If this is not the case, you will need to create a new grade method for this. You can skip this step if the qualification you're setting up uses an existing grade method in your school.
For KS3/4, you can do this in CONFIG. > Grade Methods > KS3/4 Methods, or for KS5, in CONFIG. > Grade Methods > KS5 Methods.
For more information on creating these methods you can read through our below guides:
3 / Upload and Set Up New EAP Baselines
If you don't need EAP-related figures such as Above/On/Below Track and flightpaths for your new qualification, then you can skip this step. This will mean that when you're creating an EAP for this qualification, you will be able to select any EAP Baseline - as this only affects the aforementioned EAP-related figures. Similarly, if you already have an EAP set up in KS2 / EAP > EAP, for KS3/4, or KS4 / EAP > EAP / Baselines > EAP, for KS5; that this qualification can use, this step and step 4 can be skipped.
If your cohort has individual EAPs set up with baselines specific to each qualification, you will need to upload EAP Baselines for this new qualification. You can skip this step if your EAPs in this cohort use a baseline that is already set up (e.g. Scaled Scores), or if the EAP Baselines for this new qualification have already been uploaded and set up. Similarly, if you already have an EAP for this qualification to use this step can be skipped.
For KS3/4, these would be uploaded into DATA > KS3/4 > Select your cohort > KS2 / EAP > Uploads. For KS5, these would be uploaded into DATA > KS5 > Select your cohort > KS4 / EAP > EAP / Baselines > Uploads. Upon uploading this, when you reach the Confirm Upload Qualification Names page, you'll need to ensure you set this new baseline up as 'New' to ensure it is set up separately.
For more information on uploading these new baselines you can read through our below guides:
- KS3/4: Preparing and uploading EAP baselines (Admin)
- KS5: Preparing and uploading EAP baselines (Admin)
Once this has been uploaded, you'll need to set up this new EAP Baseline. For KS3/4, this is done in KS2 / EAP > Baselines > Baseline Management; and for KS5, in KS4 / EAP > EAP / Baselines > Baseline Management.
For more information on doing this, you can read our below guides:
4 / Create a New EAP
You would be able to skip this step if your cohort uses one EAP per grade method, and there is already an EAP for the grade method this qualification uses. Similarly if there is already an appropriate EAP, that uses the correct grade method, that could be selected for this new qualification, you can skip this step. If you haven't uploaded individual EAP Baselines for this new qualification, then you can skip if there is already an EAP using the correct grade method for this.
You may need to create a new EAP for this new qualification. You would need to do this if your cohort uses individual EAPs for each qualification. Alternately, if your setup uses one EAP per grade method, you would only need to create an EAP for this qualification if it uses a grade method that previously hasn't been used in this cohort.
For KS3/4, you can create a new EAP for this qualification in KS2 / EAP > EAP; in KS5 you can do this in KS4 / EAP > EAP / Baselines > EAP.
For more information on creating EAPS you can read our below guides:
5 / Set Up the Matching page
Now that you have an appropriate grade method and EAP for your new qualification, and this has already been created in this cohort, you'd be able to set this qualification up on the GRADES > Matching page.
For more information on doing this you can read our below guides:
6 / Set Up Classes
If you don't need any class analysis from these qualifications, you can choose to ignore this step. This will result in red Missing Class Data warnings in your datasets, but this won't prevent publishing. If you don't want these warning icons but still don't need the analysis, there's a description to setting up quick dummy classes at the bottom of this section.
If you want to view your classes on the Classes levels of Reports for this new qualifications, you'll need to ensure that your new qualifications has been assigned to a relevant set of classes. If you navigate to DATA > Select your keystage and cohort > STUDENTS > Classes > Manage Classes, you should be able to see if the relevant classes for this qualification have been imported already in a previous student data import.
If these classes are already present here, you can link these to your new qualification in STUDENTS > Classes > Assign Quals, by clicking the icon in the Actions column next to the correct set of classes for this new qualification, and in the window that opens, check the box for your new qualification, and 'Save'. More information on completing this page can be found in our Assigning Qualifications to Classes (Admin) guide.
If the relevant classes aren't present on this page, you can add these manually in STUDENTS > Classes > Manage Classes, by clicking the blue 'Create Set of Classes' button, and creating this set. Then on this page you can click into this new set of classes, and on the next page click the blue 'Create Class' button, under the relevant heading. Then you can click into this new class, and add the relevant students to this class. More information on all these steps can be found in our Managing Classes (Admin) guide.
Then once you've repeated this for all relevant classes, you can navigate to STUDENTS > Classes > Assign Quals, and assign your new qualification to this new set of classes, in the same way described above.
If you would prefer to set up some quick dummy classes for this qualification, you can do this by creating a set of classes manually for your qualification in STUDENTS > Classes > Manage Classes. Then go to STUDENTS > Classes > Assign Quals, and assign your new qualification to this new set of classes. Then if you go to GRADES > Grades Management > Select your dataset with the new qualification's grades uploaded, and click the spanner icon in the Actions column next to this new qualification, you'll be able to place all your students in a dummy 'N/A' class, clearing the warnings.
7 / Publish
Once all of this has been set up you'll need to republish your STUDENTS, KS2 / EAP, and GRADES sections in KS3/4, or STUDENTS, KS4 / EAP, and GRADES sections in KS5.
Please bear in mind however, that unless there are any grades entered in this new qualification, this qualification will not appear in the Reports.
Thanks for reading!