The Sisra Data Collaboration collects selected anonymised data from schools who have opted in and completed the required setup. This allows us to produce collaboration data for Headlines / subject-based figures, long before the DfE release their official data. Schools can then compare their figures with that of all opted-in Analytics schools within the Data Collaboration event published by your Sisra Admin.
The latest available event is the 23/24 Exams collaboration, which consisted of 1,528 schools (289,963 students) in the latest window.
All data gathered will be entirely anonymous, meaning it cannot be traced back to individual schools or students and that it is therefore not subject to GDPR. Only schools that have opted into the current Data Collaboration event and completed and passed the required setup will have their data included as part of the current collaboration (if applicable). We also perform our own additional validation checks after collection too! |
What reports have the Data Collaboration enabled?
If your Sisra Admin at school has published a report with Data Collaboration features, you will see an icon next to the name of the report that reads 'DC INCLUDED', which enables additional functionality (explained further on in this article).
You can also click 'Dataset Info' to check what the report has been published with! Your Sisra Admin will need to republish your report with official estimates once released, to ensure the figures are calculated in line with the DfE.
What features does the Data Collaboration provide in the reports?
Publishing with collaboration data includes the following features:
Progress 8 & Value Added Figures
The collaboration allowed us to calculate average values and therefore produce a set of Attainment 8 and Value Added estimates, which schools may choose to use until official estimates for that cohort are released by the DfE (if applicable). This allows you to view what your school’s Progress 8 and Value Added figures could be, in advance of the DfE releasing official figures.
Collaborative Headlines
All headline figures can be compared to the collaboration data, so you can see how your school has performed in comparison with how all Analytics schools who opted in performed. These figures can also be broken down by Disadvantaged, SEN, and Gender.
Subject Progress Index (SPI)
SPI is a Sisra exclusive measure which shows how each of your students have performed in a subject, compared to how all students in the collaboration data with the same KS2 Prior performed. This can be viewed for Faculties, Qualifications, Classes, and individual students.
You can also view an SPI scattergraph for individual qualifications too!
Subject-level Transition Matrices *2020 DC and earlier only
These allow you to compare student performance at KS2 against their KS4 performance, which can then also be compared to the Sisra collaboration data to see how well your students have performed using colour coding and difference figures.
Due to the DfE releasing limited information on transition matrices for 2021 cohorts onwards, we're unable to include them in the 2021 and later collaboration (at time of writing).
If you would like more information on the report features above, see the relevant articles below:
Thanks for reading!