The grade method a qualification uses is determined by the EAP selected for a qualification on the GRADES > Matching page. As such, if you want to edit the grade method in use for a qualification, you will need to look at your EAPs set up. We've listed options for changing the grade method depending on different EAP setups below.
However, you will need to have first created the grade method you need to use, or for this to already be present before you can follow the steps in this guide. If you go to CONFIG. > Grade Methods > KS3/4 Grade Methods, or CONFIG. > Grade Methods > KS5 Grade Methods, for KS5, and see if this grade method is present. If the grade method you need to use isn't present here, you can follow our below guides for creating this.
KS3/4: Creating Grade Methods (Admin)
KS5: Creating Grade Methods (Admin)
1 / One EAP set up per qualification
The most common EAP set up is having one EAP per qualifications - e.g. for Target based EAPs, as shown in the below screenshot.
To edit the grade method your qualification is using, for KS3/4, navigate to DATA > KS3/4 > Select your cohort > KS2 / EAP > EAP, and click into this qualification's EAP. For KS5, navigate to DATA > KS5 > Select your cohort > KS4 / EAP > EAP / Baselines > EAP, and click into this qualification's EAP. On this next page you'll need to click the 'Edit EAP' button. This will allow you to edit the Assessment Methods for the terms that need to use this new grade method, changing these to your new grade method.
If this is a KS3/4 qualification, you may wish to edit only the Assessment Methods for future terms, in order to preserve any existing grades uploaded using the old grade method. For example, if a qualification changed grade method from Year 10 Term 3 onwards, you would need to click 'By Term' for Year 10, and change only the Year 10 Term 3 Assessment Method to your new grade method, and the Year 11 and Final Exams methods, as shown below. This isn't available for KS5, so you will need to reupload any previous grades using the old method, using the new grade method in GRADES > Uploads.
Then click 'Save' to save this. If your EAP contains no expected grades entered within this, you can go to KS2 / EAP > Publish KS2 / EAP, or KS4 / EAP > Publish KS4 / EAP, and republish. Then go to GRADES > Publish Grades, and republish all Grades datasets that this qualification is present in.
Editing Expected Grades in your EAP
If your EAP does contain expected grades, then these will likely now be highlighted red as they are using the previous grade method, as shown in the screenshot below.
You would need to edit these to use the new grade method, by clicking 'Export EAP', changing these aforementioned red grades in the Excel file to your new method, saving this and clicking 'Import EAP' and import this file back in. For more information on this you can read our below guides:
KS3/4: Editing and Defining EAP Pathways (Admin)
KS5: Editing and Defining EAP Pathways (Admin)
Then republish in KS2 / EAP > Publish KS2 / EAP, or KS4 / EAP > Publish KS4 / EAP, and republish all grades datasets with this qualification in in GRADES > Publish Grades.
2 / EAPs set up that multiple qualifications use (e.g. One Per Grade Method)
If your EAPs set up uses EAPs that multiple qualifications use, the solution is a little less simple - as if you edit the grade method used in an EAP that multiple qualifications use, it will also change the grade method that all of these other qualifications use. So there are conditions for which solution to use here:
If there is already an EAP created that uses the grade method in question, then all you'll need to do is go to GRADES > Matching, click 'Edit' and select this EAP for this qualification. For example, in my below screenshot I need one of my qualifications to use the 'L3 D*DMP size 1' grade method, and if I navigate to KS4 / EAP > EAP / Baselines > EAP (or KS2 / EAP > EAP, for a KS3/4 qualification), I can see there is an EAP set up to use this grade method.
As such, in order to make this change for the qualification in question, I'd just need to go to GRADES > Matching, click 'Edit' and select this EAP for my qualification in question. Then republish in GRADES > Publish Grades, for all datasets using this qualification.
If there is not an EAP created that uses the grade method in question, you will need to go to KS2 / EAP > EAP (or KS4 / EAP > EAP / Baselines > EAP, for KS5) and create an EAP that uses this grade method. You can read more about doing this in our below guides:
Then once you've done this, you would need to go to GRADES > Matching, click 'Edit' and select this new EAP for your qualification, as described above. After this, you can republish in KS2 / EAP > Publish KS2 / EAP (or KS4 / EAP > Publish KS4 / EAP), and republish in GRADES > Publish Grades, to ensure this is reflected in your Reports.
Thanks for reading!