Below we have outlined how to remove grades, whether this is:
- Deleting an entire grades file
- Deleting individual grades or AtL judgements
- Deleting a qualification
Please note - Deleting data cannot be undone within Analytics once actioned.
Deleting Grade or AtL Files
If you have uploaded a grades or AtL file by mistake, you can delete these by clicking DATA > select keystage and cohort > GRADES > Uploads. Then, select the Data Set or Assessment the file is within. You can then click the red cross to the right of the file.
To delete an AtL file, click the appropriate tab for that AtL category, then click Delete Judgements.
Deleting individual grades or AtL judgements
You can delete grades and qualifications from Grades Management, by clicking DATA > select key stage and cohort > GRADES > Grades Management. Then, in the dropdown, select a data set or assessment collection.
Then, click on the blue underlined figure in the Grades Count column or within the appropriate Attitude to Learning column for the relevant qualification.
Then, scroll down to the table listing students and their grades/AtL. Firstly, select the COLUMN you wish to delete from, then pop a tick in the tick box next to the grades or judgements you want to delete. Click Delete. You would then need to republish grades in order to reflect these changes in the reports.
Deleting a qualification
You can delete all grades/judgements from a qualification from one or more data sets in one go, or delete a qualification entirely (once all grades have been deleted), from Grades Management.
We would only recommend deleting a qualification completely if it was uploaded by mistake.
Click DATA > select keystage and cohort > GRADES > Grades Management. Then, in the dropdown, select a data set or assessment collection. Then click on the magnifying glass next to the qualification.
Here you can see the number of grades and judgements uploaded in every data set for this qualification. Clicking into these counts will take you to the Grade Management Details page for that data set and that qualification.
To delete the grades and judgements from one or more data sets, place a tick next to these in the Select column, then click ‘Delete Selected’.
If there are no grades or judgements for this qualification across any data sets, or if all data sets and assessment collections are selected, click ‘Delete’ to remove the qualification entirely from all pages in the DATA area for this cohort. Once the reports are republished, the qualification will no longer appear for analysis.
You would then need to republish grades in order to reflect these changes in the reports.
Thanks for reading!