Once you have uploaded KS2 data or Number Ranges, you have the option of creating baseline groups.
These allow you to calculate the average or best grade of a group of subjects to use as the starting points for EAPs and DO NOT affect headline measures.
To do this, click DATA> KS3/4 and cohort > KS2 / EAP > Baselines.
Scroll down to Baseline Groups and click 'Add New'.
Enter a suitable group name, select the Grade Type to use and click ‘Continue’. Note - You must have uploaded baselines with the same grade type in order to create the baseline group.
Select whether the group should use the Average or Best grade, then tick the subjects to be included in this calculation.
You must select a minimum of two subjects to form a group. Then, click ‘Save’.
The group will be shown under your Baseline Groups to add additional groups (if needed), edit, or delete. It will then also be available to select as the baseline when creating EAPs.
Thanks for reading!