If generated by a Sisra Administrator at your school, you can also access a ‘Tracker’ report. This can include up to 6 data sets or assessment collections, displayed side by side, allowing you to track performance across years or terms for selected students.
Colour coding and arrows will also be displayed, indicating if students have performed better or worse since the previous assessment or data set.
Tracking performance over time
To access the track reports:
- Click KS3/4
- Select a current cohort or leavers cohort
- Expand the Tracker
- Click either Whole Cohort, Qualifications or Students
Alternatively, you can open a standalone report that has been included in the tracker (e.g. latest Y11 assessments), then click ‘Track’ to switch to view the tracker reports, and use the dropdown to change the information being tracked.
For example, below we can see average points is being tracked over time, with colour coding highlighting where figures have increased or decreased.
You can also change the area, report, or level to access different types of tracker reports, using the blue navigation bar.
Thanks for reading!