Once you’ve configured your Attitude to Learning categories, you can import your students' judgements in each category alongside their qualifications’ grades, allowing you to analyse pastoral data in the reports.
Attitude to Learning should be used for any judgements you wish to associate with your students’ grades (Effort, Homework, etc.). These categories should not be set up as individual qualifications with their own grades, but instead should be imported as AtL judgements. You should not have multiple rows on the Matching page for each category (e.g. Maths Homework, Maths Effort, etc.). |
If you’ve not yet configured your AtL categories, take a look at our article here - Configuring Attitude to Learning Categories
Importing AtL Judgements
The next step is to prepare the AtL judgements file in Excel and import this into Analytics. You must have grades data uploaded before you can import AtL judgements.
1 / Prepare your AtL Judgements File
You can have one judgement per student, per qualification, per data set or assessment collection, and each AtL category’s judgements should be imported in its own file. Your judgements file must be:
- A 4 column list, including student ID, student name, qualification, and judgement.
- Saved as a CSV (MS DOS) file – not CSV (Macintosh) or (Comma Delimited).
You can use the Sisra Analytics Excel Add-In to format your file into a 4 column list. For more information, see our article linked here - Extracting and Preparing Grades or AtL Data (Admin)
2 / Importing your Judgements File
To import AtL judgements, click DATA > select key stage and cohort > GRADES > Uploads, and then select the relevant data set or assessment collection. You will see there are additional tabs under “Attitude to Learning”, for each configured, active AtL category, click on the relevant tab, then click ‘Import Judgements File’,
Next, select your file and then click ‘Import’.
Review the file health check for any issues with the file and ensure the file summary contains the expected number of students and qualifications. For more information on these potential issues, see our article - Importing AtL Judgements - File Health Check Issues (Admin).
If you are happy with this, or if you wish to address any identified issues once the judgements are available in Analytics, click ‘Continue with the import’.
3 / Qualification Pairing
Next, you can pair judgement qualifications to the appropriate grade qualifications. Analytics will automatically pair any qualifications where the name in the judgements file matches an existing qualification for that cohort.
If the qualification names differ to those set up for that cohort, you can select the appropriate option from the dropdown in the Sisra Qualification column to link these. For example, if you have imported judgements under the qualification name ‘Mathematics’ but your qualification is set up as ‘Maths’, you can select ‘Maths’ in the dropdown to pair these.
If there is no appropriate option for a qualification, you can select “Do Not Include” in the dropdown to exclude those judgements from the import. For example, you could use this if there are judgements included in your file for a qualification which does not have any grades uploaded into the data set or assessment you’re working with.
Each judgement qualification can only be paired to one qualification with grades uploaded. You cannot import blank judgements, and so any qualifications with no judgements in the imported file will not appear on this page. |
Once you have paired all qualifications, click ‘Continue with the import’.
Check the figures in the import summary look as you would expect, then click ‘Continue with the import’ to complete the process and import the file.
Once the file has been imported, you will be taken back to the Uploads page. To export the judgements into Excel, click ‘Export’, or to delete the judgements permanently, click ‘Delete Judgements’.
If you have more than one AtL category configured and activated, you can import a separate judgement file for each of these, using the relevant AtL tab.
Grades Management
After importing judgements, you should always check your Grades Management section and address any warning icons displayed before publishing your data. See our articles here for more information on how to resolve them:
- Checking Grades Management
- Grades Management: Unknown AtL Judgement, Judgement Present Without Grade
- Adding or Editing Grades & AtL Judgements
Thanks for reading!