If you only have a small number of grades to add to a qualification, you could add these manually within Analytics. For example, if you have a missing grade to add to a qualification.
If you have a large number of grades to add, we recommend uploading these instead. This process is covered in our articles below:
- Uploading Standalone Grades (e.g. Exams, Targets, Mocks etc. (Admin)
- Uploading Assessment Grades (Admin)
Adding Grades (Manually)
To add a small number of grades manually, go to DATA > select Keystage & cohort > GRADES > Grades Management. Then, select the data set you want to add grades to (in the example shown, we will be adding grades in the 'Exams' data set in KS3/4, however the process is the same for KS5).
To add grades, click into the Grade Count and click on 'Add Grade' on the right hand side.
You will then need to select the Student who the grade is for and also enter the Results Date. For KS3/4, it's is important the results day is correct so that first-entry discounting takes place within the reports. You can then enter the Grade that has been achieved and click 'Add'.
If you scroll down, you can see that this grade is now showing.
However, it may be that the student is highlighted red, which will happen when a student has a grade added but does not have class data for that qualification in Analytics (If the student was educated offsite, you can either leave this as it is, or add them to the N/A class).
For details on how to resolve this, please see our article below:
Grade Management: Missing Class Data (Admin)
Thanks for reading!