When you upload an additional set of grades or baselines for a cohort, if the qualification names included within the file differ to those previously uploaded for the cohort, you will be taken to the Confirm Upload Qualification Names page.
This will display the qualifications that are not recognised in your file on the left and the existing qualifications for the cohort in the dropdown boxes on the right. This page allows you to either select ‘New’ from this dropdown to create a qualification as a new, separate row on your Matching page, or select an existing qualification from the list to merge these together. For example, if a qualification in your upload file was named 'Y10 Summer Art' you can select 'Art' in the dropdown box to merge the qualifications together rather than create a new qualification. When you have finished making selections on this page, click ‘Complete the Upload’.
Any qualifications that are included in the grade file but do not appear on the Confirm Upload Qualification Names page are already being merged into the existing qualification as the names are exactly the same in the file and in Analytics. Therefore, these do not need to be mapped to a 'SISRA Qualification'. |
In the example below, the KS4 qualifications ‘English Lang’, ‘Mathematics’, and ‘MFL Spanish’ have been flagged in the grades file we are uploading. Looking at the selections available in the dropdown, it seems as though English Language and Maths already exist for this cohort under slightly different qualification names. Therefore, we can select ‘English Language’ and ‘Maths’ respectively for these qualifications to merge these grades together.
However, as this is the first time we are uploading ‘MFL Spanish’ grades for the cohort, this qualification does not already exist for this cohort. In this case, we need to select ‘New’ in the dropdown to create this as a new, separate qualification on the Matching page.
If you are uploading A2 qualifications for the first time for a Y13 cohort, you should select ‘New’ to keep these separate from the existing AS qualifications.
If you have selected ‘New’ for any qualifications on this page, the next step is to complete the Matching process for these. Please see our articles below for instructions on how to complete the Matching page for the relevant key stage:
Thanks for reading!