Within the KS3/4 area of Analytics, data can relate to either KS3 or KS4. Analytics stores the class data for KS3 and KS4 separately, so when importing student data you are prompted to select whether the file contains the students’ classes from KS3 or KS4.
You can define when the transition from KS3 to KS4 takes place in your school by going to CONFIG. > Settings > Key Stages. By default, KS3 includes years 7, 8, and 9, whilst KS4 includes years 10 and 11. If this is (and always has been) the case in your school, you do not need to make any changes on this page. However, we know some schools consider year 9 as part of their KS4, and occasionally schools have switched between these or other setups over time so that one cohort of students may have been considered to start KS4 in year 10, while subsequent year groups were considered to be in KS4 from year 9.
To change the key stage settings for all future cohorts, click ‘Edit’ in the Default Cohort section.
Then, click a point between two years to indicate when the transition happens and click ‘Save’.
This will update the coloured line to indicate which years are related to KS3 and which are related to KS4.
If current and previous cohorts do not conform to the initial defaults (KS3 includes years 7, 8 and 9; KS4 includes years 10 and 11), click ‘Edit’ in the Cohorts section, set the boundary point for each year as required, then click ‘Save’.
Thanks for reading!