This article aims to explain how the figures in the KS3/4 Grades reports area are calculated.
The Grades area provides reports based on the grades uploaded for the cohort overall. This is calculated based on grades counting towards student performance.
Throughout this guide you will find column headers that may appear differently in your Reports, depending on whether these have been set up by the Sisra Admin at your school, such as EAP, AtL, and Data Collaboration.
Overview Reports
The Grades Overview report displays a breakdown of each grade for each qualification (based on the grade method), and is available at either Filters, Faculties, Qualifications, Classes, or Students levels. For example, this view includes 9-5 grade counts for each qualification or class.
When viewing the Grades Overview report - Filters or Students level, you will be required to select a Grade Type from the Options tab. When viewing the Grades Overview report – Classes level, you will be required to select a Qualification from the Options tab and the Grade Type dropdown will be locked. |
Grades: Sum of students with each grade in that qualification and data set. The Students level shows the sum of each grade uploaded across all of their qualifications.
The summary row displays the total of each grade uploaded for the selected criteria.
Total Grades: Sum of all grades uploaded for the filter, faculty, qualification, class, or student.
The summary row displays the total number of grades uploaded in the selected data set, within that grade type.
Average Grade: Average grade for the filter, faculty, qualification, class, or student.
Average Grade will be blank for filters, faculties, or students that have a combination of grade types used. The Average Grade calculation uses background values to include sub grades, this means it differs from the average point’s calculation below.
The summary row displays the overall average grade for the selected criteria and grade type.
Average Points (also available as a Tracker): Average points for the filter, faculty, qualification, class, or student. This is calculated by the total points divided by total entries.
The summary row displays the overall average points, calculated by the sum of all grade points across all qualifications in the grade type, divided by the number of grades. When looking at the summary for the Average Points column, bear in mind that the Combined Science qualification would count as 2 entries towards this.
The points used within this calculation are determined by the points entered in the Grade Method created by your Sisra Admin. If this grade method contains no points, this column will be greyed out.
Residual: At Filters, Faculties, Qualifications, and Classes level, this shows the sum of each student’s Residual divided by the number of students.
Residuals are calculated by the student’s standardised point score for their grade achieved in a qualification (grade points divided by number of entries) minus that student’s average point score for each qualification taken.
Residuals can be used to compare the relative performance of a filter, faculty, qualification, class, or student. This shows how well students have performed in comparison with how the same students have performed across all qualifications they have taken. For example, a positive student Residual indicates that the student has performed better in that qualification compared to other qualifications they have taken overall.
The summary row displays the overall average residual, calculated from the sum of all Residuals across all qualifications in the grade type, divided by the number of Residual scores. For more information on Residuals, see our article below.
Subject Progress Index (SPI): At Filters, Faculties, Qualifications, and Classes level, this shows the sum of each student’s SPI divided by the number of students. At Students level, this shows each student’s average SPI for the grade type.
SPI is calculated by finding the grade points achieved by a student in a qualification and subtracting the collaborative average (which is the average for students with the same KS2 prior attainment from the Data Collaboration event).
The summary row displays the average SPI for all the qualifications in the grade type, calculated from the sum of all SPI scores across all qualifications, divided by the number of SPI scores.
Qualifications will be compared to others within the same grade type and grouping for SPI calculations. For example, Geography GCSE qualifications will be compared to other Geography GCSE qualifications, whereas non-GCSEs would be compared to non-GCSEs. You can view which subjects are grouped by clicking the grouping icon. -
SPI Chart: A visual representation of the Subject Progress Index for a filter, faculty, qualification, class, or student. The boundaries shown on these charts are determined by the minimum and maximum SPI scores within the selected level.
Positive SPI scores and charts will be highlighted green and negative SPI red. The gradient of the colour shown is determined by how high or low the score is. See the Data Collaboration Legend at the bottom of the report for more information.
The summary row displays the SPI Chart for Summary SPI.
Positive SPI: At Filters, Faculties, Qualifications, and Classes level, this shows the sum of students with an SPI greater than or equal to 0. At Students level, this shows the number of qualifications in which each student has achieved an SPI greater than or equal to 0. For more information, see our article below.
The summary row displays the overall total of students with an SPI on or above 0.
In A8 Basket: Sum of grades included, or that could be included in an Attainment 8 basket for that filter, faculty, qualification, class, or student.
If a student has 2 or more grades worth the same points with only 1 slot available, both grades will count towards this figure. However, only the qualification that is first alphabetically will count towards any Attainment 8 calculations.
The summary row displays the total number of grades that are included, or could be included, in an Attainment 8 basket for the selected criteria, within that grade type.
Grade Range FAQs
- Why doesn’t the 9-5% or 9-4% in English and Maths match on the Grades Overview report and Headlines Summary report?
When viewing 9-5% or 9-4% in English and Maths in the Grades Overview report (click % and Cumulative under the blue navigation bar), these figures are calculated based on the total number of grades uploaded for those qualifications. These figures can differ from the percentages shown in the Headlines Summary report, as the Basics percentages are calculated from the whole cohort total and include any EBacc eligible English or Maths qualifications.
- What Combined Science grades are included in 9-5 and 9-4 grade ranges?
Combined Science grades will count individually in the relevant columns. For example, if a student achieves a grade 43, this would count once in the 9-4 column and once in the 9-3 column. If you are looking to view these figures based on points, for example only a grade 44 and above counting in the 9-4 column, select ‘All A8 Quals’ in the Grade Type dropdown under the Options tab at the top.
Totals Reports
The Grades Totals report displays totals of grades or points used, and is available at either Filters, Faculties, Qualifications, Classes, or Students level. If a Sisra Admin at your school has entered expected grades within the EAPs for this cohort, you will be able to view figures here showing if students are above/on/below track to achieve those grades.
When viewing the Grades Totals report – Classes level, you must select a Qualification from the Options tab and the Grade Type dropdown will be locked. |
Total Grades: Sum of all grades uploaded for the filter, faculty, qualification, class, or student.
The summary row displays the total number of grades uploaded in the selected data set, within that grade type.
Total Points: Total points for the filter, faculty, qualification, class, or student.
The points used within this calculation are determined by the points entered in the grade method created by your Sisra Admin. If this grade method contains no points, this column will be greyed out.
The summary row displays the overall total points awarded to the grades uploaded in the selected data set, within that grade type.
Average Grade: Average grade for the filter, faculty, qualification, class, or student. This will be blank for filters, faculties, or students that have a combination of grade methods used.
The summary row displays the overall average grade for the selected criteria and grade type.
Average Points (also available as a Tracker): Average points for the filter, faculty, qualification, class, or student. This is calculated by the total points divided by total entries.
The points used within this calculation are determined by the points entered in the grade method created by your Sisra Admin. If this grade method contains no points, this column will be greyed out.
The summary row displays the overall average points, calculated by the sum of all grade points across all qualifications in the grade type, divided by the number of grades. When looking at the summary for the Average Points column, bear in mind that the Combined Science qualification would count as 2 entries towards this.
Residual: At Filters, Faculties, Qualifications, and Classes level, this shows the sum of each student’s Residual divided by the number of students. At Students level, this shows each student’s average Residual for the grade type.
Residuals are calculated by the student’s standardised point score for their grade achieved in a qualification (grade points divided by number of entries) minus that student’s average point score for each qualification taken.
The summary row displays the overall average residual, calculated from the sum of all Residuals across all qualifications in the grade type, divided by the number of Residual scores.
AtL Categories: Average points, average judgement, or total points for each Attitude to Learning (AtL) category, displayed for each filter, faculty, qualification, class, or student.
If the column is set up to display average judgement, you can hover over this to see the description for the judgement. If the category has been set up with no points, the category will not show in this column, but will still be available on Grades List report for each student.
The summary row displays the overall average points, average judgement, or total points for each AtL category.
Avg EAP Diff (Sub / Whole) (also available as a Tracker): Average difference between the grades uploaded in the selected data set and grades expected to be achieved for the filter, faculty, qualification, class, or student, in either sub or whole grades. This is calculated from the sum of all EAP differences divided by the number of grades. Students without an EAP baseline will be excluded from these calculations.
The summary row displays the average difference between uploaded grades and expected grades, by using the calculation explained above.
On Or Above / Above / On / Below Track: At Filters, Faculties, Qualifications, and Classes level, this shows the number of students that are either On or Above, Above, On, or Below Track to achieve their expected grades. At Students level, this shows the number of qualifications in which each student is either on or above, above, on, or below track to achieve their expected grades.
By default, this will be affected by sub grades (e.g. a student with a 4b would be seen as below track if expected a 4a). However, a SISRA Admin at your school can change this default option or you can change this using the Sub/Whole toggle.
Inc In Track: Number of students that are included within the On or Above, Above, On, and Below Track columns, as they have expected grades entered into the associated EAP based on their EAP Baseline.
The summary row displays the overall total number of students included within the On or Above, Above, On and Below Track columns. -
Subject Progress Index (SPI): At Filters, Faculties, Qualifications, and Classes level, this shows the sum of each student’s SPI divided by the number of students. At Students level, this shows each student’s average SPI for the Grade Type.
SPI is calculated by finding the grade points achieved by a student in a qualification and subtracting the collaborative average (which is the average for students with the same KS2 prior attainment from the Data Collaboration event). For more information, see our article linked above in the 'Overview Reports' section.
The summary row displays the average SPI for all the qualifications in the grade type, calculated from the sum of all SPI scores across all qualifications, divided by the number of SPI scores.
SPI Chart: This displays a visual representation of the Subject Progress Index for a filter, faculty, qualification, class, or student. The top and bottom boundaries shown on these charts are determined by the minimum and maximum SPI scores within the selected level.
Positive SPI scores and charts will be highlighted green, and negative SPI red. The gradient of the colour shown is determined by how high or low the score is. See the Data Collaboration Legend at the bottom of the report for more information.
The summary row displays the SPI Chart for the Summary SPI.
Positive SPI: At Filters, Faculties, Qualifications, and Classes level, this shows the sum of students with an SPI greater than or equal to 0. At Students level, this shows the number of grades each student has with an SPI greater than or equal to 0.
The summary row displays the overall total of students with an SPI on or above 0.
In A8 Basket: Sum of grades included (or could be included*) in an Attainment 8 basket for that filter, faculty, qualification, class, or student.
If a student has 2 or more grades worth the same points but there is only 1 slot available, both grades will count towards this figure. However, only the qualification that is first alphabetically will count towards any Attainment 8 calculations. Rest assured, in the case of such a tie, the qualification which takes up the slot makes no difference to A8/P8 scores.
The summary row displays the overall number of grades that are included (or could be included) in an Attainment 8 Basket.
Grades List Reports
The Grades Grade List report is available at Students level and displays the grades that each student has achieved for a selected qualification within the selected data set. This is useful for class teachers to view performance of students within their own qualification.
When viewing the Grade List report, you will be required to select a Qualification from the Options tab and the Grade Type will be locked. |
KS2 Prior: This will display the average of the student’s core English and Maths KS2 Baseline (whether it is Scaled Scores or Fine Levels).
The summary row displays the average KS2 Baseline, for students with a grade uploaded in the selected qualification (Fine Levels will be rounded to 2 decimal places).
Eligibility: An icon to show how this grade will contribute towards the school performance measures. For example, a green star icon represents an eligible grade. See the legend at the bottom of the report for more information on what these icons mean.
The grey star icon represents grades in an unapproved qualification, grades that don’t carry entries (such as X grades, as they don’t count towards Headlines), or invalid grades (i.e. not in the method setup by your Sisra Admin).
Grade: The grade that a student has uploaded in the selected qualification for that data set.
This is colour coded dark green if the grade is higher than the **EAP Grade, green if it is the same, and red if it is lower.
The summary row displays the average grade for the selected qualification.
Grade Points: The points associated with the grade.
The points shown are determined by the points entered in the grade method created by your Sisra Admin. If this grade method contains no points, this column will be greyed out.
The summary row displays the average points for the selected qualification.
Grade Points (Diff): This column will be shown if you have selected another data set in the “Compare” dropdown in the Options tab. This shows the difference in points between the student’s grade in the Main Focus data set and the Compare data set.
The summary row displays the difference in points between the average points in the Main Focus dataset and the Compare dataset.
AtL Categories: Attitude to Learning judgement for each student within each category. Hover over the judgement to view a description of this.
The summary row displays the overall average points, average judgement, or total points for each AtL category.
Residual: Each student’s Residual for the selected qualification.
Residuals are calculated by the student’s standardised point score for their grade achieved in a qualification (grade points divided by number of entries) minus that student’s average point score for each qualification taken.
The summary row displays the average residual for the selected qualification.
EAP Grade: The student’s expected grade in the selected qualification. This is determined by expected grades entered in the EAPs for the cohort and the student’s EAP Baseline.
The summary row displays the overall average expected grade in the selected qualification.
EAP Diff (Whole): Difference in whole grades between the grade uploaded for the selected qualification (Grade column) and grade expected to achieve (EAP Grade column).
The summary row displays the average difference in whole grades between the overall average grade and the average EAP grade.
EAP Diff (Sub): Difference in sub grades between the grade uploaded for the selected qualification (Grade column) and grade expected to achieve (EAP Grade column). EAP Diff (Whole) and EAP Diff (Sub) will be highlighted green if the difference is positive, and red if negative.
The summary row displays the average difference in sub grades between the overall average grade and the average EAP grade.
EAP Baseline: Each student’s starting point within the relevant EAP, e.g. KS2 Level, Scaled Score, KS4 Target grade, or other baseline, specified by your Sisra Admin. This determines which EAP pathway they are placed on, to select which expected grades are used for EAP Diff calculations.
All EAP columns are based on the expected grades entered into the EAPs for this cohort by your Sisra Admin. If there are no grades entered, these columns will be greyed out.
Subject Progress Index (SPI): Each student’s SPI for the selected qualification.
SPI is calculated by finding the grade points achieved by a student in a qualification and subtracting the collaborative average (which is the average for students with the same KS2 prior attainment from the Data Collaboration event).
The summary row displays the average of the students’ SPI scores in the qualification.
Subject Progress Index (Diff): This column will be shown if you have selected another Dataset in the “Compare” drop down in the Options tab. This shows the difference between the students’ SPI in the Main Focus Dataset and the Compare Dataset.
The summary row displays the difference between the average SPI in the Main Focus Dataset and the Compare Dataset.
SPI Chart: This displays a visual representation of the Subject Progress Index for each student in the qualification. The top and bottom boundaries shown on these charts are determined by the minimum and maximum SPI scores for the qualification.
Positive SPI scores and charts will be highlighted green, and negative SPI red. The gradient of the colour shown is determined by how high or low the score is. See the Data Collaboration Legend at the bottom of the report for more information.
The summary row displays the SPI chart for the average SPI score.
In A8 Basket: Y or N to reflect if the grade is included (or could be included*) in an Attainment 8 basket for each student.
If a student has 2 or more grades worth the same points but there is only 1 slot available, both grades will count towards this figure. However, only the qualification that is first alphabetically will count towards any Attainment 8 calculations. Rest assured, in the case of such a tie, the qualification which takes up the slot makes no difference to A8/P8 scores.
The summary row displays the overall number of grades that are included [or could be included] in an Attainment 8 Basket for the selected qualification.
Matrix Report
The Grades Matrix report is available at Students level and displays a matrix showing the grades for the selected qualification along the top and KS2 Core down the left. In the middle of the matrix, the number of students with each prior attainment and grade will be shown.
When viewing the Grades Matrix report, you will be required to select a Qualification from the Options tab and the Grade Type will be locked. |
Irrelevant figures will be greyed out. You can click into the grade count to view those students.
The summary row displays the total of each individual grade and total grades for the selected qualification.
Comparison Matrix Report (Compare a qualification across two data sets)
The Grades Comparison Matrix report is available at Students level and displays a matrix showing the number of students achieving each grade in the Main Focus data set compared to the Compare data set. When comparing grades of the same grade type, the colour coding here may prove particularly useful.
When viewing the Grades Comparison Matrix report, you will be required to select a Compare data set from the Dataset tab, a Qualification from the Options tab, and the Grade Type will be locked. |
You can invert the axes displayed by clicking the blue 'Invert Axes' button. Clicking into the grade count will allow you to drill down and view those students.
The summary row displays the total of each individual grade and total grades for the selected qualification.
Transition Matrix (Data Collaboration)
If a Sisra Administrator at your school has opted in to the Sisra Data Collaboration then a Transition Matrix is available at Students level for each of your qualifications. This compares how your students have performed against students with the same prior attainment score in the collaboration data.
When viewing the Transition Matrix Report, you will be required to select a Qualification from the Options tab and the Grade Type will be locked. |
Please note, due to a lack of DfE guidance for Scaled Scores cohorts, Transition Matrices are not available for reports published using the 2021 Collaboration Data.
SPI Scattergraph (Data Collaboration)
If a Sisra Administrator at your school has opted in to the Sisra Data Collaboration then a Scattergraph is available at Students level for each of your qualifications. This shows a visual representation of how students have performed in the selected qualification compared with other students with the same prior attainment score and a grade in that subject area.
Thanks for reading!